Comes across redefined hospitality and conviviality in the new landmark of Kochi. Niko offers unmatched service without compromising on quality and class. Rediscover the felicity within you with 27 state of the art rooms.

Niko HotelsはHikari Hotels Pvt.Ltdによる最新のベンチャー企業です。Nikoホテルはコーチン市の中心部のKadavantharaに位置しています。 モダンでありながらクラシックなスタイルのNikoホテルは広々とした清潔な最先端の客室を27室備えています。
Nikoホテルでは、最高のアメニティとサービスを含めた最上のおもてなしをお届けします。 何よりも素晴らしいのは、このクラスとエレガンスが低予算価格で提供されているということです。
Elegance meets technology and infrastructure at Niko. We come with an array of 27 full-fledged state of the art rooms to ensure you the best hospitality during your delightful cruise along the Queen of the Arabian Sea. Niko Hotels is an environment friendly hotel, and keeps its charm with exotic yet simple and elegant design blending with Japanese culture and style. Make you all experience a joyful stay at clean and neat rooms where quality is the highlight and same is the essence of this modern exquisite property. What’s best above all is that this Class and Elegance comes in Budget Economy Prices.

Located in the heart of the city, Niko is just about a few metres away from Central Ernakulam. Mobility is all around you with The Ernakulam South Railway Station, Metro Station and Kadavanthra Junction being a mere 10 minutes walk from the hotel. The Cochin airport is just around 30 minutes drive from the hotel.
The Geography is split into two beautiful sides of Kochi one being the Cosmopolitan side of Kochi with Shopping, the other being the serene beauty of Kochi back-waters.